sábado, 19 de setembro de 2015

Field Trip: Motutapu Island


Dear readers, I'm sorry I've been absent on this blog for a while. I'm on the last months here in New Zealand (2-to-go!). Because of that, I've been more busy than usual, especially with University matters.

Well, since I mentioned the University.. why not share with you my Field Trip to Motutapu Island?

This Saturday I went to Motutapu Island, which is close to Auckland city. It is located right behind the Rangitoto volcano. It is a nice place to rest and escape for a weekend, however, I wasn't there to relax, I went for research.

Our objective was to analyse and observe the restoration process on the island. For that, we took measurements of 4 different sites, using the same method in each one. First, using the tracks that were marked, we surrounded the island searching for the site, once found it we went inside the woods, bush and everything on the way.

  1. Walk 15m in a previously determined direction
  2. Mark the spot
  3. Measure and identify the closest trees to the spot (Diameter, Species, Distance)
  4. Repeat (4x)

Team 3!

The island itself has quite good sight views, cows and birds. In addition, it was great to escape the city for a while, where I know all my troubles are.
Our overnight was in the Motutapu Island camp, where we also had dinner and games and enjoyed the time getting to know better each other. We spent the second day doing the same as the first, with some pauses that made me really enjoy the place, and on Sunday after 15h we went back to Auckland exhausted.

This was my field trip. I know I haven't quite described it perfectly or in more details but is not the time for that now, now its time to rest. So,

Our trip continues,

See ya!

sábado, 5 de setembro de 2015

Faz 1 Ano! (1 Year out!)

No momento, não me sinto criativo para constatar além do óbvio: O intercâmbio me fez uma pessoa melhor. Cada evento, lugar ou pessoa com quem estive aqui agora faz parte de mim, seja em memórias ou em pequenos pedaços de suas características mais marcantes que resolvi roubar.

Tudo isto faz parte e irá continuar a fazer enquanto estiver por aqui. Obrigado à todos os leitores deste blog também! Celebremos 1 Ano de Nova Zelândia!