quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014

The Hobbit: Final Chapter

My friends,

It is with an honour that I now should share this with you:

Today, at 00 h, I watched the last chapter of The Hobbit Trilogy, "The Battle of the Five Armies" and I'm glad to say it was INCREDIBLE!

Most outstanding points: Gandalf + SMAUG the true Dragon of all times...

 Sr. J, R. R. Tolkien, you are a Genius. The cast and the crew involved in this film, you have honoured his memory.

Perhaps, I`m capable of making a critic about the movie, talk about the flaws between BOOK vs. MOVIE, but that is not my true intention at all. I just want to register the fact that I was here, in New Zealand for the preview of this fantastic ending and pretend to explore and visit the amazing places that made this film possible!

Thank you again, Sir J. R.R. Tolkien, and the crew.

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