sábado, 30 de maio de 2015

Cape Reinga, final Video!

Hands down, the best place I've visited so far!

Maybe was the short time that I spent there...
Maybe was the incredible weather of the trip...
Maybe was the sun on my skin and the wind on my face...

But Cape Reinga, with no question, is the destiny that I best describe to those who ask and strongly recommend to friends.

The energy of the lighthouse's spot is indescribable! The meeting of the Tasman Sea with the Pacific Ocean; The miles and miles of blue water, added to the greenest landscape makes anyone speechless!

All you want to do there is enjoy the sun in your spot and hear the waves down on your feet.
At night must be another spectacle (that I intend to see)

So far, enjoy the new Video: in Cape Reinga at the sound of 'Sunshine' by Matisyahu

Want to see the pictures of that day?
Just click here! Northland - Day 2 - Sandboarding + 90 Mille Beach + Cape Reinga Lighthouse

terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2015

Kaikoura, ocean of the wales!

Hi Everybody! 

Following the same post-type as the last one, here is one more video of my done-trips. This one is in Kaikoura, an amazing city located 1h from Christchurch and close to the coast. The landscape in that region is unbelievable! The beach is surrounded by mountains that in winter become covered with snow giving more beauty to the place.

Here on the right are some photos of Kaikoura on winter (found via Google), just to have an idea:

Want to see my photos of Kaikoura?
Check in this link:

Christchurch + Kaikoura

In that day, I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life: watching wales on the ocean. I always wanted to see a whale in real life (in fact I want to swim with a wale). I thought I would be sick because of the constant waves (check on video!), but it worked out pretty great! The crew lead us to see dolphins, albatrosses and two wales on that day, they said it was a lucky one.

Well, with no more prolonging see the video of my experience in Kaikoura!

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2015

Fiordlands' Way

Hi Everybody!

So, since it will take a little while before I make my next trips, I intend to fill this blog with some videos of my done-trips in New Zealand that I haven't shown yet. This is the first of many that are up to come, check it out!

Want to see the photos of this day? Click on the link below:

The video starts after I had visited the city of Queenstown and I'm on my way to the famous Fiordlands (Milford Sound) passing through the most amazing scenarios!

You can see mountains covered with snow; a huge valley on the way; a frozen waterfall and of course, the Fiordland.

Music is from Jamie Lawson (Ahead of Myself) and Passenger (Let Her Go)

Some facts about the Fiordland (Taken from Wikipedia):

1. The name "Fiordland" comes from a variant spelling of the Scandinavian word for this type of steep alley, "fjord"

2. Fiordland has never had any significant permanent population. Even the Maori only visited temporarily for hunting, fishing and to collect the precious stone "pounamu" (New Zealand Jade) from Anita Bay and the mouth of Milford Sound.

3. Milford Sound sports two permanent waterfalls all year round. Lady Bowen Falls and Stirling Falls. After heavy rain, however, many hundreds of temporary waterfalls can be seen running down the steep-sided rock faces that line the fjord. They are fed by rainwater drenched moss and will last a few days at most once the rain stops.

4. Milford Sound is between the 28 finalists of the New7Wonders of the World!

That was an amazing day for sure, that I'm going to remember for a very long time, and I hope you enjoy the video as I did!

More videos are to come!

Our trip Continues!

See ya!

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2015

University of Auckland

 I decided to save some time and talk about my University here in New Zealand since I intend to spend a lot of time of this program connected to it.

Here, in Auckland, I'm studying in one of the prestigious universities of New Zealand, in fact, even of the world! Look it out!
QS World University Ranking - UoA: 92!

The 'motto' of the University is 'Hard work and Hability' translated from the Latin, and I have to say it really is!

There are some differences from the University of Auckland (and by the way, all the universities of NZ) when compared to some of the universities of Brazil, including mine, UFES.

For start, here the infrastructure receives much more attention! It is unbelievable the number of laboratories, filled with computers and study places, that are sometimes reserved or other times enormous. The entire campus has sophisticated buildings. Some, on the other hand, preserves the architecture of previous times and are icons of the University, like the Clock Tower.

Economic Sciences Building

Clock Tower

Clock Tower front.

Inside the Clock Tower

All the campus has free wi-fi access to students that just need to enter their UPI (like username) and password. Inside the University you can find everything! There is a gym, coffee shops, market, hospital, whatever you need. Every start of semester there is a week where is presented the Clubs you can join in. For instance, I'm in the football club, but is possible to be part of anything you like: movie club, poetry club, ski club, diving, seriously Clubs is something they have to spare!

The classrooms you may find 3 types. Lectures rooms, that are really huge stages with a place to 100 - 200 people. There are small classes, that fit 40 people max. and the last is the Post-grads classes, that usually fit from 10 to 20 people. 

Type of class for 40-60 people

Another thing that is entirely different from Brazil, is that here you actually create your own curriculum. Instead of Graduate in some job major, like Environmental Engineering or Law, here you can choose from these topics the courses you intend to take, and in the end, you need to have a total of 'X' credits plus some published paper, I presume. 

The University also incentive their students to study and provide tools that would be a significant development if brought to Brazil. For instance, the three main services provided by the University that students most use are (1) Student Services Online (2) CECIL Platform (3) Student Email

Student Services Online

The Student Services Online is a simple way for students to access their classes of the day, courses enrolled, and other things provided by the University. There is no better way to control your academic life.

Example of courses that one can choose to study.

CECIL is one of the greatest tools I've seen in academics. Is a platform where professors post the Announcements of the course, Slides presentations, Lectures recordings, Previous tests, Outline, Assignments all into this system that is constantly updated. There is no better way to organize your studies if not via CECIL.

Student Email

The Student Email is like any other email, however, all the announcements made on CECIL from your courses go directly on your entry mailbox. So it is an easy way to be updated. Also, its use is strict to university purposes, there is no spam or advertising. 

Add all these things to the students' disposition to study, which is unbelievable around here! Seriously, the study classes and laboratories are always full no matter when you go! Thus, adding all you begin to understand why the University of Auckland is on the TOP 100 of the WORLD.

Right now I'm making this post but I have 2 Assignments hamming on my head, and the Tests are about to come too! Another difference here, the courses usually have only 2 tests: the Mid-Term and the End-Term Semester Test, and they cover the content of the entire semester. Believe me, you have only 1 hour to do and with the number of questions is a hard task. Just to have an idea, before the End-Semester test the UoA give the students 1 week free of classes just for study... that's the level of commitment around here. 

One thing that balance this side of 'focus-stress-study' is the number of places to rest in the University. I mean, right next to it UoA you have the Albert Park where most students spend their lunchtime enjoying the sun or the trees shadow and the flowers. Inside the University there are places where is possible to 'have a break' before the next class, and there is always something going on, like the Vegetarian Food day on Thursdays or the Poetry Slam today. Everyone here presents a really easy-going and friendly behaviour so it is easy to make friends and talk to people.

*Detail is that the photos above were taken before the classes started! Otherwise, it would have more movement for sure!

So that is life, for now, studies and breaks! Hope to make another post soon!


Our trip continues!

See ya!