sábado, 7 de março de 2015

Skin of Fire: Group F!!

Last Friday (06/03)an event happened on Auckland Domain, where the Memorial War Museum is located. Promoted by Group F, I went to see the 'Skin of Fire'. I had heard about them some months before, they would present 3 days straight doing performances using fireworks, lighting suits and lots of visuals effects. Apart from being a short presentation, only 1 hour, it was magical! Check it out:


After the initial presentation, they started another one that made an apology to the war. First, just using lights projected on the Museum, a red curtain opened and showed to the public a War scenario while those guys wearing lamps ran into it. This part of the show, together with the music and synchronization remembered me of the shows of Roger Waters - The Wall, the atmosphere was very much a like!

Here they shot the Museum down! First, the shots were building the museum and them destroying it
 When this war part ended something like snake's skin appeared and, then, from nowhere this guy showed up at the top of the museum. The scenario changed to a Space Odyssey kind of thing and for more surprising stuff some of them starting to float in the air!

How crazy is that!?

The last performance involved what appeared to be an wild environment and the man facing nature



Our trip continues!

See ya!

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