sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2015


Lost a memory for having a confused brain. And there were signs.

Waitomo Caves, maybe next time.



To help understand: I made everything right. Scheduled and paid two reservations for Sunday 1st, Feb. One for the Waitomo Caves Combo (Glowworm Caves + Ruakuri Cave) the second, a NakedBus reservation for picking up, transport to Waitomo and go back to Auckland at night. All was right, even made my bag and went slept early.

The mistake: Time to depart: 7:15
                      The time arrived (at the point): 7:45

I didn't check twice, I was certain about the time, certain that I was perfect, and, in consequence, I lost my memory, as I said, for having a confused brain. Lesson learned. Money lost. 


Our trip continues!

See ya!

sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2015

Friday: Graduation + Scape to Mission Bay + Outside Cinema


What a great day to end up January. Well, actually it only ends "tomorrow" 31/01  - it is 2 am now - but still, nice way to end this month.

First, today I have completed Module 4, which is the last stage of the English school - finally!. We had a graduation/celebration at the Engineering building of the university. Same as any others, teacher thanking students, students for thanking teachers.. it was great, but it was also the end. I have met some interesting people there and hope to keep in touch with most of them, here are some photos:

Entire Module 4

2nd Class

China Brothers, Jacques and Crhitopher

After that, I went back home and by the evening I was tired of just use the computer so I went out! It was around 17h when I took my Camera got into a bus, and stopped to stretch my legs in Mission Bay. Chilling out, reading chapters of my new book, photos and end up on Starbucks before going to Auckland again.

After that, I walked on Queen Street still with no intention to go back to the apartment. Then, just across the street something called my attention. A group of people - I don`t know where they were from - was singing something different and with kids and adults dancing. I made a short video shared here: Street Group Performance, but the cool was that if it wasn't for them I would never look at the otter attraction next to me, an Open Cinema! The movie that was showing (The Blind Side - 2009) is one of my favourites. So it was a good way to spend the rest of the afternoon.. I also took the liberty of making a video of the two famous parts of this film, see here: Part 1 Part 2


Our Trip Continues!

See Ya!

domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2015

Auckland: 175 Years!

I think that I should talk more about Auckland, the city that I am residing in. For instance, yesterday (25/01) Auckland has completed 175 years old! Although seems much, for a city she is actually quite young.

Almost 31% of the New Zealand population lives here in Auckland. The quality of life here is always between the top cities of the world. Besides being beautiful, Auckland is an important economical central to New Zealand and can be expensive in some aspects.

Well.. yesterday, as I said, was the anniversary of Auckland. I left my apartment at night to go to the Pier and watch the fireworks and attractions of the city event that took the whole weekend. A nice day where I and Inacio, Artur and Anna also said goodbye to one friend of ours, Bia.

segunda-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2015

Medo de perder memórias, medo de me perder em memórias

É janeiro de 2015. Faz praticamente 5 meses que estou na Nova Zelândia, e, como era de se esperar, o intercâmbio está sendo muito enriquecedor. Conheci pessoas diferentes, culturas diferentes e lugares extraordinários, e sim, tive momentos de tirar o fôlego. Hoje, de frente para o computador, lendo outros blogs de viagem e o meu, refleti sobre tudo o que já passei por aqui e me senti com medo (Senti dois tipo de medos)

O primeiro é de perder as memórias que fiz aqui. Visitei lugares incríveis dos quais busquei sempre retratar em fotos e vídeos 1/10 da sensação de estar ali. Observei, há um tempo atrás, um amigo que passou junto comigo numa viagem apenas aproveitando os lugares sentado, olhando, sentindo, vivenciando e achei aquilo fascinante! Comprovei a sabedoria dele ao experimentar. Foi desta experiência que surgiu o meu primeiro medo, de esquecer como cheguei até aqueles lugares, as conversas que tive e o caminho que percorri. Muito, talvez, como já havia observado antes e comentado com outro amigo, posso ter perdido trocando memorias e sensações por quadros. Martha Medeiros escreveu em minha mais recente leitura (Um Lugar na Janela) que é normal na primeira vez ao visitarmos um lugar de termos o impulso de pegar a máquina e tirar A foto, “Click, click, click” como resumiu bem ela... E acrescentou: melhor então, viajar no mínimo duas vezes para estes lugares, mas na segunda vez, apenas sentir sem aquela ansiedade de registrar tudo. Deixe sua mente descobrir a beleza e o sentido daquela manifestação natural da maneira certa. Sinto que é preciso fazer isto. Voltar a alguns lugares.

Meu segundo medo, ironicamente é justo opositor ao primeiro. Tenho medo de me perder em memórias também. Isto é, querer tanto relembrar todos os momentos que tive e acabar esquecendo de fazer novos. É como num namoro quando termina. Aquele período de “luto” em que tudo que pensamos está em quem nos deixou, e, deixando assim, não vemos o próximo romance logo ali. Tratando-se de viagens, meu receio é de acabar me esforçando demais para lembrar de tudo e me frustrar de não conseguir. Esquecer de fazer novas memórias, de ocupar mais espaço. Talvez precise começar a escrever em mais detalhes sobre a Nova Zelândia, assim, lembrar será mais fácil e não exigirá tanto esforço mental, terei um papel a quem buscar sensações em palavras.

 Então está ai, duas de minhas recentes escapadas mentais (filosóficas?), um aprendizado escrito por mim, para mim. E quem acompanha pode tirar proveito.

Nossa viagem continua!


Afraid to lose my memories, afraid to be lost in my memories

It is January of 2015. It has been practicably 5 months since I came to New Zealand, and, as expected, this internship is being extremely enriching. I have met different people, different cultures and extraordinary places, and yes, had moments of taking my breath off. Today in front of my computer, reading other blogs of Traveling and my own, I thought about everything that I had experienced and felt afraid. (I felt two kinds of fear).

The first kind is to be afraid to lose my memories (here). I have travelled among incredible places which I always tried to retreat in photos or videos 1/10 of the sensation of being there. I observed some time in the past, one friend of mine during the same trip that we made just enjoy where we were, sitting, looking, feeling and "living in the moment" and I found that fascinating! I proved his wisdom trying for myself. Due to this experience that my first fear crossed my mind. I am afraid of forgetting how do I moved into such places, the talks that I had and the tracks made. I could, probably, as I had observed before and commented with another friend, have lost trading memories by boards (photos). Martha Medeiros (Brazilian famous writer) wrote in my recent reading (A Place on the Window) that it is normal, on the first time that we visited someplace, to had the impulse of picking up the camera e take 'The Picture', "Click,click,click" like she brilliantly summarized... In addition, she wrote: The best is then, travel at least two times to those places, and on the second time, just feel without that anxiety to keeping a record of everything. Let your mind discover the beauty and the feeling of such manifestation of nature in the right way. I feel that is that what I need to do. Come back to some places.     

The second fear, ironically, is the exact opposite of the first one. I am also afraid to lose myself in my memories. This is, a desire so much to remember every single moment that I had and simply forget to make new ones. It is like a relationship when it ends, that "grieve" moment when everything that we thought is related on that someone who let us go, and, by not letting this go, we do not see the next romance right there (close to us). Speaking about travels, my fear is to try so hard to remember everything and frustrate myself by not accomplishing. I am fraid to forget to make new memories, occupy more space. Maybe I need to write in more details about New Zealand, then, remember will be much easier and would not involve mental effort, because I will always have a paper in which I can search for emotions in words.

So there you go, two of my recent mental escapes (philosophic?), one learning wrote by me, for myself, and who follows this blog can take advantage too.

Our trip Continues!

sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2015

a Book a Place and a Shadow

                                                        Here, you don`t need much...


terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2015

You Want a Taste of what is NZ?

I have been making many posts sharing photos and histories, but there is also another resource as much important, the Videos!

They make each experience more realistic, so, follow my channel and taste a little of what is New Zealand!

domingo, 4 de janeiro de 2015

Chrischurch + Kaikoura

Both of these cities will always be in my memories. Christchurch, largest city in the South Island, was shacked by an earthquake twice (2003/2011) and is in reconstruction, but still beautiful. You can find over the city Giraffes of porcelain painted that were made by the school of art and sold out to raise money for the restoration. Kaikoura has an enormous littoral coast, with huge mountains next to it. There, I was able to see whales for the first time, unbelievable.


Christchurch Cathedral after the earthquake


You take this boat, which goes really fast and shakes with the waves travelling at 40 miles/h, or something like that. You hold everything, what fear and desire, and goes away from the safety sand, but is all worth it. Dolphins, Albatrosses and of course: Whales!

Can you find an Albatross? Is right there! The biggest bird in NZ, with 3 m range of wings!

This one is easier


Our trip continues

See ya!